
Sciton BBL

Stay Forever the Best Version of Yourself with Sciton BBL

Conditions it treats:




Sagging and aging skin

Unwanted hair


What is Sciton BBL?

Sciton BBL is a laser device that uses Broadband Light Therapy to rejuvenate the skin and address concerns such as brown spots, sun damage, redness, sagging skin, and more.

Benefits: The Sciton BBL series is a non-invasive way to treat a large variety of skin conditions.

How it works:

  • Forever Clear BBL: Forever Clear BBL uses Broadband Light Therapy to specifically target acne.
  • Forever Young BBL: Forever Young BBL uses Broadband Light Therapy to specifically target aging and sagging skin.
  • Forever Bare BBL: Forever Bare BBL uses Broadband Light Therapy to specifically target and remove unwanted hair.

Forever Clear BBL

Forever Clear BBL delivers light energy deep into your skin to stimulate and regenerate your skin cells, leaving you with clear, healthly, radiant skin. Treats rosacea and acne.

Forever Young BBL

Forever Young BBL address visible signs associated with aging skin. It rremoves age spots, freckles, redness, small vessles and more.

Forever Bare BBL

This advanced method evenly heats follicles to the precise temperature for fast and easy hair removal, greatly minimizing anything missed by traditional hair removal devices

The type of BBL treatment you will need will depend on your skin and what you’re looking to achieve. The best way to know is to come in for a skin consultation and have a skincare professional recommend a treatment plan for you.

There is very minimal downtime associated with BBL. If you are having the treatment done to remove brown spots, you will see them slowly start to flake off the skin several days following your treatment. After the treatment, you may experience some slight redness as well but the downtime overall is practically nonexistent.

It will vary from person to person, however, most people will see the best results after a series of 3 treatments, spaced out about 4 weeks apart.

Again, it varies from person to person, however, optimal results will be seen 14 days after treatment and you may start to notice changes in as little as a few days!

Our Booking Policy

Your appointments are very important to us at Vital Rejuvenation, they are reserved especially for you! We understand that sometimes schedule adjustments are necessary; therefore, we respectfully request at least 24 hours’ notice to reschedule or cancel an appointment.

You will be asked to leave a credit card number and a $50 deposit to hold your appointment. This deposit will go toward your treatment of choice.